2023 Policy Priorities

Democrats For Education Reform DC fights for a just and equitable public education system for all students, particularly students of color and low-income students. 

For more information visit dferdc.org or contact dferdc@dfer.org.

Resource Equity

  • All students deserve a high-quality education. Increase the uniform per student funding formula (UPSFF) base by at least the inflation rate, with greater resources for students who need more support.

  • Support the well-being of our students. Faithfully implement & fully invest in school-based behavioral health, Out of School Time, safe passage, restorative justice, & high-impact tutoring programming.

  • Provide high-quality, safe, & educationally appropriate buildings. Maintain the public charter facilities allotment funding.

Teacher Quality & Preparation

  • Only 32% of fourth-grade students performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level in reading. Require all K-5 educators to receive free & accessible structured literacy training with incentives to strengthen how educators teach reading.

  • All educators deserve fair & competitive compensation. Provide public charter school educators with a raise in compensation by giving them an equivalent payment to the back pay DCPS teachers received & ensure that future salary increases are sent to all schools through the UPSFF.


  • Students with disabilities are our most marginalized students. 58% were chronically absent. 42% did not graduate in four years. 69% did not enroll in college. 0% exit from special education. Implement a set of recommendations for reforming our special education system.

  • Many families do not receive their students’ test scores, & are not provided with actionable guidance to support their learners. Require sharing of student assessments with families in a way that is accessible & comprehensible for all families.

Higher Education Quality & Affordability

  • 14 students out of 100 completed a postsecondary degree within 6 years. Improve college access & completion by expanding dual enrollment opportunities for students furthest from opportunity.

  • Four D.C. universities give a birthright advantage to family members of alumni, which takes away seats from first-generation college students. Ban the legacy preference in college admissions in D.C.

High-Quality Public School Choice

  • Our education system is complex. Create one website where families can find answers to all their questions and helpful resources to navigate care, education, and early career offerings for children and young adults 24 years old and younger.

  • D.C. will review boundary assignments to determine which schools DCPS students are entitled by-right to attend based on their residential address. Ensure the DCPS Boundary study prioritizes equity & the voices of marginalized communities.


Opinion: Restricting school choice in D.C. won’t help anyone - Washington Post


DFER DC Applauds Mayor Bowser’s on Proposed FY2024 Per Pupil Funding Increase