Press Statement Kristie Neveau Press Statement Kristie Neveau

FY2025 Budget Wins for Students

Yesterday’s final budget vote marked a major victory for our students. Building on Mayor Bowser’s proposed investments, the Chairman and DC Council doubled down on reforming our public education system.

FY2025 Budget Wins for Students  

Contact: Cesar Toledo

Washington, D.C. (June 26, 2024) — In response to the D.C. Council’s final vote on the FY 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024 and Budget Support Act of 2024, Jessica Giles, Executive Director of Education Reform Now DC (ERN DC), released the following statement:

“Earlier this year, ERN DC launched an advocacy campaign called “District Heroes” to urge the Mayor and DC Council to invest in tomorrow’s heroes—our students. Through digital advocacy, grassroots organizing, and dozens of conversations with the DC Council, this campaign galvanized critical support from Education Reform Champions for four important education investments: student attendance, literacy, secondary pathways, facilities, and math. 

Yesterday’s final budget vote marked a major victory for our students. Building on Mayor Bowser’s proposed investments, the Chairman and DC Council doubled down on reforming our public education system.

The Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Financial Plan includes a 12.4% increase to the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, along with an increase to the weight for at-risk students. Additionally, there are several impactful investments from our advocacy campaign: 

Supports student attendance by funding:

  • $2.7 million for grants to address truancy, a case manager to expand the Addressing Truancy Through Engagement and Negotiated Dialogue (ATTEND) truancy prevention program, and to maintain investments in “nudge technology” to address chronic absenteeism at the District’s public schools

Provides innovative and evidence-based early literacy investments by prioritizing:

  • $2.2 million for high-quality literacy instructional materials 

  • $566k in FY25 and $2.9M in FY 26-28  for kindergarten structured literacy training and coaching pilot at up to 20 schools

Ensures safe and conducive learning environments by securing: 

Funding for the 3.1% annual increase to the public charter facilities allowance ($17.5 million across the financial plan)

Builds secondary pathways to college and career by providing:

  • $150,000 for the subtitle, “Reporting Requirements for Career and Technical Education and Dual Enrollment,” which includes a youth-focused career preparation study

  • Funds for the establishment of the Office of Education through Employment Pathways to implement a data system to provide key insights into education and workforce outcomes

  • Significant investments to expand dual enrollment opportunities, including $17 million to expand the Advanced Technical Center at Penn Center; $600,000 to support the opening of a new Advanced Technical Center at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8; and $5 million to Reimagine High School, support the Advanced Technical Center in Ward 5, Career Ready Internship, Advanced Technical Internship, and dual enrollment seats

Giles continued, “In the coming months, we look forward to supporting the implementation of these critical investments so that all of our students are put on the path to success. We will also focus on ways to address our math education problem. When more than three out of four students are struggling in math, it is clear that our work is far from over.”

# # #

About Education Reform Now D.C. 

ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.

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Press Statement Cesar Toledo Press Statement Cesar Toledo

FY2025 Budget Wins for Students

Earlier this year, ERN DC launched an advocacy campaign called “District Heroes” to urge the Mayor and DC Council to invest in tomorrow’s heroes—our students. Through digital advocacy, grassroots organizing, and dozens of conversations with the DC Council, this campaign galvanized critical support from Education Reform Champions for four important education investments: student attendance, literacy, secondary pathways, facilities, and math.

Contact: Cesar Toledo

Washington, D.C. (June 26, 2024) — In response to the D.C. Council’s final vote on the FY 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024 and Budget Support Act of 2024, Jessica Giles, Executive Director of Education Reform Now DC (ERN DC), released the following statement:

“Earlier this year, ERN DC launched an advocacy campaign called “District Heroes” to urge the Mayor and DC Council to invest in tomorrow’s heroes—our students. Through digital advocacy, grassroots organizing, and dozens of conversations with the DC Council, this campaign galvanized critical support from Education Reform Champions for four important education investments: student attendance, literacy, secondary pathways, facilities, and math. 

Yesterday’s final budget vote marked a major victory for our students. Building on Mayor Bowser’s proposed investments, the Chairman and DC Council doubled down on reforming our public education system.

The Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Financial Plan includes a 12.4% increase to the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula, along with an increase to the weight for at-risk students. Additionally, there are several impactful investments from our advocacy campaign: 

Supports student attendance by funding:

  • $2.2 million in one-time funds for the Office of the State Superintendent of Education truancy grants to non-profit and community-based organizations

  • the Office of the Attorney General’s ATTEND (Abating Truancy Through Engagement and Negotiated Dialogue) Mediation Program

Provides innovative and evidence-based early literacy investments by prioritizing:

  • $2.2 million for high-quality literacy instructional materials 

  • $566k in FY25 and $2.9M in FY 26-28  for kindergarten structured literacy training and coaching pilot at up to 20 schools

Ensures safe and conducive learning environments by securing: 
Funding for the 3.1% annual increase to the public charter facilities allowance ($17.5 million across the financial plan)

Builds secondary pathways to college and career by providing:

  • $150,000 for the subtitle, “Reporting Requirements for Career and Technical Education and Dual Enrollment,” which includes a youth-focused career preparation study

  • Funds for the establishment of the Office of Education through Employment Pathways to implement a data system to provide key insights into education and workforce outcomes

  • Significant investments to expand dual enrollment opportunities, including $17 million to expand the Advanced Technical Center at Penn Center; $600,000 to support the opening of a new Advanced Technical Center at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8; and $5 million to Reimagine High School, support the Advanced Technical Center in Ward 5, Career Ready Internship, Advanced Technical Internship, and dual enrollment seats

Giles continued, “In the coming months, we look forward to supporting the implementation of these critical investments so that all of our students are put on the path to success. We will also focus on ways to address our math education problem. When more than three out of four students are struggling in math, it is clear that our work is far from over.”

# # #

About Education Reform Now D.C. 
ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.

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News Cesar Toledo News Cesar Toledo

Josh Boots: How to help D.C.’s kids learn the math they need to succeed

Josh Boots: How to help D.C.’s kids learn the math they need to succeed

Josh Boots, founder and executive director of EmpowerK12, a nonprofit data analysis organization that focuses on DC schools, made a case for a statewide strategy to improve math education in The Washington Post.

The importance of early math education cannot be overstated. Readiness for eighth-grade algebra is strongly linked with students’ math fluency as early as first grade. Students who successfully complete Algebra I in middle school are more likely to pursue advanced math courses in high school and subsequently enroll in STEM fields in college.

There are ways schools can help. A review of schools where students’ math skills were improving most quickly identified five instructional strategies that help students develop confidence, conceptual understanding and procedural fluency.

The D.C. Council’s fiscal 2025 budget must include a citywide strategy to support schools that adopt evidence-based programs and scale these strategies. Such action could position D.C. to set a historic precedent, enabling Black and Brown students and students from low-income backgrounds to meet or surpass the national average in academic performance by decade’s end.

(read here)

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News Cesar Toledo News Cesar Toledo

Brandon Best: DC needs a vision — and funding — for math innovation

To reverse DC’s decline in math outcomes, we need a strategic, citywide approach to support the unique needs of DC students, starting with the establishment of a Math Task Force.

DC State Board of Education member Brandon Best in The DC Line:

Math is a fundamental building block for the future. As our world undergoes rapid technological advancements, the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts has never been more critical. With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and other advanced technologies changing the skilled worker landscape, there is a greater need for our educational system to evolve to ensure our students can navigate and succeed.

Meanwhile, math proficiency has significantly declined across the country, with only 36% of fourth graders performing at or above basic proficiency levels set by the National Assessment of Educational Progress — a major concern as we prepare our children for a future increasingly driven by science and technology. In DC, the data is even more alarming. Only 22% of our students currently meet math proficiency level expectations, making the District home to one of the most significant needs in the nation. Despite this urgent issue, the latest proposed budget for the District surprisingly lacks any new funding commitments for innovation in mathematics education, a critical gap as we aim to better equip our students for technological advancements.

By supporting math innovation and transforming our approach to math education, we can close the achievement gap and prepare our students for the challenges of the future. In hopes of marking a pivotal step toward this goal, I recently introduced a “Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Education,” a strategy for remodeling math instruction in the District. This effort begins with two resolutions currently under consideration by the DC State Board of Education: “The Creation of a Comprehensive Pre-K to 8 Mathematics Strategy in the District of Columbia” (SR24-13); and “Establishing State Board Priorities for Artificial Intelligence in Education” (SR24-12). I hope the DC State Board of Education will act on these two resolutions by this summer. They propose a comprehensive approach to revitalize math education and seamlessly integrate AI and technology into the educational infrastructure, ensuring our students are well-equipped for the digital age.

As a former special education math educator in the District, I’ve seen the tremendous potential of young minds when introduced to mathematics in ways that are both joyful and relevant. Whether it’s using video games like Madden NFL or NBA 2K to learn multiplication concepts, or finding other engaging approaches, we must address long-standing questions: “How do we make math learning more relatable? How do we make it more fun?”

DC Public Schools outlined its commitment to succeed in mathematics in its most recent five-year strategic plan. Seven other states — including Colorado, Alabama and Arkansas — have recognized the need for specialized math instruction and passed laws in 2022 and 2023 requiring math support for struggling students.

To reverse DC’s decline in math outcomes, we need a strategic, citywide approach to support the unique needs of DC students, starting with the establishment of a Math Task Force. This task force would provide schools with recommendations for proven, high-quality math teaching materials, innovative programs and professional development opportunities. With this initiative, we can ensure that our teachers are fully prepared to deliver engaging and effective math education, an essential step if we are to ensure positive early math education outcomes. Ward 5 Councilmember Zachary Parker has been a great partner in ensuring the council is on board, supporting this strategic initiative and its mission to reverse the decline in math proficiency.

The power of numbers goes beyond individual success: It has the potential to transform communities and local economies. As Mayor Muriel Bowser envisions the revitalization of downtown DC, investing in math education can play a pivotal role in the city’s resurgence. Research has shown that better educational outcomes can lead to increased worker salaries and a higher gross domestic product. Enhancing math skills in DC could increase students’ future salaries by $31,000 annually, according to one study.

Beyond a dwindling downtown, DC faces a significant shortage in tech talent. This situation highlights the urgent need to prioritize STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) principles into our education system, ensuring that DC students have the necessary skills to perform the jobs in their backyards that are currently out of reach.

At this crucial juncture, the decisions we make today will determine the future success of our children. By making math education more engaging and relevant, and by integrating the principles of AI, we can ignite a passion for learning and prepare our students with the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills they will need to excel. Our “Blueprint for Tomorrow’s Education” is a commitment to that future — a promise to our children that we will equip them with the tools to build a brighter, more prosperous DC.

Brandon Best represents Ward 6 on the DC State Board of Education.

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Testimonial Minetre Martin Testimonial Minetre Martin

Minetre Martin’ Testimony to the DC Council Committee of the Whole’s Budget Oversight Hearing

“The urgency of our situation is clear. 78% of our students can’t do grade level math, 66% aren’t proficient in English Language Arts, and there is a shocking 49.8% illiteracy rate for adults in wards 7 and 8. That is relevant to our community because we want to empower our residents to thrive in life and D.C. families demand change.”

Minetre Martin

Organizing Manager

Education Reform Now Advocacy DC

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Budget Oversight Hearing:

  • “Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024”

  • “Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024”

  • “Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Act of 2024”

  • “Fiscal Year 2024 Revised Local Budget Emergency Adjustment Act of 2024” 

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, Councilmembers, and staff of the Committee of the Whole. My name is Minetre Martin. I am a ward 4 resident and an Organizing Manager for the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy (ERNA), an organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students. Today, I am here to urge the DC Council to:

  1. Fully fund the Early Literacy Education Taskforce recommendations with an additional $10 million across the financial plan.

  2. Fund the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 at $300,000 ($3 per public school student).  

  3. Restore the 3.1% increase to the charter facilities allotment funding at $11.66 million ($246 per public charter student) over the financial plan.

The urgency of our situation is clear. 78% of our students can’t do grade level math, 66% aren’t proficient in English Language Arts, and there is a shocking 49.8% illiteracy rate for adults in wards 7 and 8. That is relevant to our community because we want to empower our residents to thrive in life and D.C. families demand change.

A recent poll of 325 DC public school parents revealed that 87% agreed that Mayor Bowser and the D.C. Council must prioritize investments in math education. This cuts across racial lines, with 81% of Black parents and 73% of Latino parents ranking math as the most important subject for their children's future.

Two years ago, Chairman Mendelson, Councilmember Pinto, and the DC Council passed legislation into law that would create the Early Literacy Education Taskforce, and now the DC Council must finish what it started by making targeted investments in strengthening reading by supporting access to high-quality instructional materials and providing evidence-informed training for teachers in the science of reading. Additionally, an investment in a math task force now would allow us to course correct and revolutionize how math is taught in DC and perhaps even chart a course for reforms across the country. We applaud Councilmember Zachary Parker for introducing the Mathematics Education and Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 and Councilmembers Anita Bonds, Christina Henderson, Janeese Lewis George, Brianne Nadeau, Brooke Pinto, and Robert White for co-introduction.

Let’s not just be a city that talks about equity but rather one that puts its money where its mouth is, investing in the programs and supports that truly make a difference in our student’s academic acceleration.

Additionally, we are asking the DC Council to restore the 3.1% increase to the charter facilities allotment funding at $11.66 million over the financial plan. Maintaining the facilities allotment is crucial for public charter schools to find, construct, and/or renovate buildings to create safe and well-maintained learning environments for our students. This funding is necessary to keep pace with rising costs and is integral for accessing large-scale projects.

So I'm asking you, Council members, to be the heroes of this story. 

  1. Fully fund the Early Literacy Education Taskforce recommendations. (The Mayor proposed $2.2 million for some training and high-quality instruction materials.) 

  2. Fund the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024.  

  3. Restore the 3.1% increase to the charter facilities allotment over the financial plan. 

Before I close, it is also important that we maintain the Mayor's proposed investment in secondary education initiatives that provide students with greater access to college-level courses and career-readiness programs. These investments include $668,000 for the Office of Education through Employment, which will work to create seamless transitions from high school to postsecondary education and the workforce.

Thank you for your time and I welcome any question you may have.


School year 2022-23 PARCC Assessment Results Source:

 OSSE. 2022-23 Assessment Results. Source:

 Reading is Fundamental. East of the River News. Source:

 Education Reform Now DC. Majority of DC Parents Want to Overhaul Math Education, New ERN DC Survey Reveals. Accessed April 4, 2024. Source:

Recommendations for Structured Literacy Instruction in the District of Columbia. Source:

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Testimonial Kristie Neveau Testimonial Kristie Neveau

Civic Leader LaDan Johnson Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math

Despite some progress, only 30% of adults in D.C. have obtained a bachelor's degree over the past two decades, and educational attainment gaps persist. With just one in four young adults holding a degree, yet 58% of jobs requiring one, the need for strengthening math, literacy, and dual enrollment programs is clear. Currently, only 7% of public high school students participate in publicly funded dual enrollment programs.

LaDan W. Johnson
Civic Leader 
Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C.

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Budget Oversight Hearing:

“Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024”

“Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024”

“Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Act of 2024”

“Fiscal Year 2024 Revised Local Budget Emergency Adjustment Act of 2024”

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, Members, and Staff of the Committee  of the Whole. I am LaDan W. Johnson, a resident of Ward 7 and an employee and Ph.D. student in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies at Howard University. As a civic leader for Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C., I advocate for equitable educational opportunities in Washington, DC. Tonight, I am here to urge you to: 

  1. Fund the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 estimated to be $300,000 ($3 per public school student).  

  2. Fully fund the Early Literacy Education Taskforce recommendations with an additional $10 million. 

  3. Maintain the Mayor’s proposed investments to build secondary college and career pathways to expand dual enrollment opportunities for students. 

In my current role as the Student Affairs Specialist and Advisor for Computer Science at Howard University, I find access to math, literacy, and early college through dual enrollment increases persistence for students pursuing higher education. This is true for many of the students whom I advise in the computer science program who participated in dual enrollment prior to enrolling at Howard. Many of my advisees who participated in dual enrollment and had solid math and literacy skills have excelled in the computer science program.

Math and literacy proficiency are essential for success in higher education and the workforce. They provide the critical thinking and communication skills needed to thrive in today's economy. Dual enrollment and early college programs, in turn, help students build on these foundational skills while addressing stagnant college participation rates and socioeconomic disparities in educational attainment.

Despite some progress, only 30% of adults in D.C. have obtained a bachelor's degree over the past two decades, and educational attainment gaps persist. With just one in four young adults holding a degree, yet 58% of jobs requiring one, the need for strengthening math, literacy, and dual enrollment programs is clear. Currently, only 7% of public high school students participate in publicly funded dual enrollment programs.

Our asks:

We urge the DC Council to build on the Mayor's proposed investments by taking decisive action to:

  • Fund the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 estimated to be $300,000 ($3 per public school student). 

    • The Task Force will be comprised of local and national experts to recommend implementation of a statewide math strategy that includes five elements: daily math instruction with high-quality content and instructional materials; support for teachers; assessments and parent notification; interventions; and resources for families and caregivers.

  • Fully fund the Early Literacy Education Taskforce recommendations with an additional $10 million. 

    • The Mayor has proposed $2 million to implement high-quality instructional materials and some training for teachers based on recommendations from the Early Literacy Task Force. Additional funding is needed to support the full adoption of training as well as literacy coaches

  • Maintain the Mayor’s proposed investments to build secondary college and career pathways to expand dual enrollment opportunities for students. These investments include the following: $668K for the Office of Education through Employment Pathways; and $22 million for investments in the Advanced Technical Centers, dual enrollment, Reimagine High School, and internships. Still, there is much-needed progress that is needed to ensure these investments are well-spent:

    • Enhance marketing for these programs.

    • Provide robust data collection on student outcomes and transparently share.

    • Develop strategies for expanding in-person, cohort-based dual enrollment programs, especially for students facing significant barriers.

    • Incentivize employers to hire students in high-demand, high-wage careers.

My experiences in education policy and practice have deepened my commitment to addressing challenges in the American educational landscape, advocating for diversity, and eliminating inequitable practices. Thank you for considering these crucial steps toward a more inclusive and equitable educational system in Washington, DC.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

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Press Statement Cesar Toledo Press Statement Cesar Toledo

New Legislation Aims to Solve DC’s Math Problem

Jessica Giles issued a statement on the "Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024," introduced by Councilmember Zachary Parker.

“I am thrilled to see the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 move forward, especially as we face the grim reality that more than three out of four of our students are currently underperforming in mathematics. This bill is a critical first step towards addressing this issue by assembling a task force of experts dedicated to improving our math education framework. Our children deserve the highest standard of education to prepare them for successful futures, and this bill lays down the foundation to achieve just that.”

Education Reform Now DC Supports Bill to Address the Math Proficiency Crisis, Promising Comprehensive Overhauls and Expert-Led Solutions 

Washington, D.C. (May 1, 2024) — Today, Jessica Giles, executive director at Education Reform Now DC (ERN DC), issued a statement on the "Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024," introduced by Councilmember Zachary Parker. The bill establishes a Mathematics Education Task Force to overhaul math education for students in grades K-12 in the District of Columbia, consisting of local and national experts and representatives from various educational bodies, and will convene every four weeks until it submits a required report by June 15, 2025.

The task force's report will outline actionable areas to improve math instruction and achievement, including recommending high-quality teaching materials, creating a state catalog of professional development resources, producing a list of approved curricula, and suggesting intensive training for school leaders. It will also recommend strategies to support parents, suggest systems for assisting students who are below grade level, and provide guidance on the allocation of funding and resources to implement these strategies.

“I am thrilled to see the Mathematics Education Improvement Amendment Act of 2024 move forward, especially as we face the grim reality that more than three out of four of our students are currently underperforming in mathematics. This bill is a critical first step towards addressing this issue by assembling a task force of experts dedicated to improving our math education framework,” said Jessica Giles, executive director of Education Reform Now DC. “Our children deserve the highest standard of education to prepare them for successful futures, and this bill lays down the foundation to achieve just that.”

# # #

About Education Reform Now D.C. 
ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Civic Leader Vonique Bolluck Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math

Vonique Bullock, a parent, educator, community member, and civic leader, testified before the DC Council about the importance of ensuring all students have strong math skills.

Vonique Bolluck
Civic Leader
Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C.

DC Council Budget Oversight Hearing on:
University of the District of Columbia
District of Columbia Public Charter School Board
State Board of Education
Office of Student Advocate
Ombudsman for Education
District of Columbia State Athletic Association
Deputy Mayor for Education (Government Witnesses Only)

Greetings Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole. My name is Vonique Bullock, and I live in Ward 7.  I’m here as a parent, educator, community member, and a civic leader with the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy (ERNA), an organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all D.C. students. Today, I’m here to discuss the importance of ensuring all of our students have strong math skills. 

Mathematics is more than solving problems to get the right answer. It is imperative that we educate our children in mathematics by giving them the tools and resources of reasoning, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking which allows them to have a broader understanding of the world around them. It also opens up college and career opportunities. In the 2022-2023 school year, nearly 8 out of 10 students who took the PARCC assessment in Math did not meet or exceed expectations.1

As a previous 4th-grade teacher, I’ve observed that many students do not have fact fluency and number sense, which makes it difficult for them to understand fractions and decimals. These are just some of the concepts needed for students to be ready for Algebra. I and my team, used many interventions, such as, Reflex(a fact fluency app) and Kathy Richardson, a researched resource for small groups to catch students up. I believe more support is needed for our educators and, ultimately our students. 

Currently, there is no funding in the Mayor’s proposed FY 2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan for a statewide strategy for supporting all students with math. There is no comprehensive, statewide PreK-8 mathematics strategy and with that how do we know our children are receiving high-quality math content? How are teachers delivering daily math instruction with instructional materials?  Are there designated teachers and blocked times for math interventions? Lastly, what support are we giving to families and caregivers if there is no comprehensive statewide Prek-8 mathematics strategy? 

I am asking for the DC Council to fund the establishment of a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force (“Task Force”) comprised of local and national experts to support pre-K-8th grade students, educators, and families with math. These experts can implement a statewide math strategy that includes five elements: daily math instruction with high-quality content and instructional materials; support for teachers; assessments and parent notification; interventions; and resources for families and caregivers to support math instruction at home (or learn math themselves). This is needed so that DC Public Schools and public charter schools all utilize the best strategies to support students. This taskforce is particularly important as the DC Public Charter School Board gets ready to implement its new ASPIRE Academic Accountability Framework2 and schools are again held accountable for providing their students with excellent math education. 

Thank you for considering this important issue. I am ready to answer any questions you may have.


1 OSSE. School year 2021-22 PARCC assessment results. Source:
2  DC Public Charter School Board. Accessed April 4, 2024. Source:

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Civic Leader Olivia Chase Advocates for FY 2025 Investment in Math

My name is Olivia A. Chase, a resident of Ward 6 and a steadfast advocate with the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy. I stand before you as a grandparent raising a grandchild, navigating the complexities of our educational and justice systems. Today, I urge you to consider the profound impact of our decisions on students like my grandchild who is a student at McCarthur High School, particularly regarding secondary education pathways, public transportation, and safety.

Olivia A. Chase
Civic Leader
Education Reform Now Advocacy

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing on: 

  • Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

  • District of Columbia Public Schools

  • Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Greetings, Chairman Mendelson and Committee of the Whole members,

My name is Olivia A. Chase, a resident of Ward 6 and a steadfast advocate with the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy. I stand before you as a grandparent raising a grandchild, navigating the complexities of our educational and justice systems. Today, I urge you to consider the profound impact of our decisions on students like my grandchild who is a student at McCarthur High School, particularly regarding secondary education pathways, public transportation, and safety.

The urgency of our task is underscored by stark statistics: nearly 80% of our students failed to meet math standards last year, a foundational skill critical for many high-demand careers.1 Moreover, only 51% of our students transition to college, with a mere 18% completing their degree within six years.2 These figures are not just numbers; they represent lost potential and diminished futures.

Our youth, especially those like my grandchild, face unique challenges that can derail their educational journeys. With my grandchild’s parents incarcerated, the obstacles multiply, making the promise of safe, accessible secondary education pathways not just an educational issue but a lifeline.

The Mayor’s proposed FY2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan includes several key investments to expand dual enrollment opportunities in DC: $17 million to expand the Advanced Technical Center at Penn Center; $600,000 to support the opening of a new Advanced Technical Center at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8; and $5 million to Reimagine High School, support the Advanced Technical Center in Ward 5, Career Ready Internship, Advanced Technical Internship, and maintain dual enrollment seats.3

Still, there are additional considerations needed to enhance our offerings. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) must do the following::

  • Enhance marketing efforts for dual enrollment to reach more students like mine.

  • Collect and analyze data to continuously improve and tailor the programs to our students’ needs.

  • Expand in-person, cohort-based dual enrollment opportunities at local education agencies to help build these worthwhile opportunities into the school day.

Additionally, D.C. must continue to work to incentivize employers to hire students in high-demand, high-wage careers. In closing, I ask you to see beyond the statistics and recognize the faces they represent: students who aspire to learn and succeed despite the odds. Let’s ensure that our actions today forge a path to a brighter, more secure future for all our children.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


1  OSSE. School year 2022-23 PARCC assessment results. Source:
2 DC Policy Center. State of D.C. Schools, 2022-23: Challenges to pandemic recovery in a new normal. Source:
3 Mayor Bowser Presents Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Proposal, A Fair Shot: Strategic Investments and Shared Sacrifice. April 3, 2024. Source:,billion%20in%20capital%20improvement%20funds.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Jessica Giles’ COW Testimony to DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing

In a year marked by significant financial constraints, Mayor Bowser’s proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan is forward-thinking in public education investments and provides a solid foundation for innovation and future success.

Jessica Giles
Executive Director, DC
Education Reform Now Advocacy

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing: 

  • Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

  • District of Columbia Public Schools

  • Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, Members, and Staff of the Committee  of the Whole. My name is Jessica Giles. I am a ward seven resident and the Executive Director of the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy (ERNA), an organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students. At ERNA, we always put the needs of students first and we’re steadfastly focused on improving student attendance, literacy, math, and secondary pathways to college and career. I am pleased to provide testimony today.

In a year marked by significant financial constraints, Mayor Bowser’s proposed Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan is forward-thinking in public education investments and provides a solid foundation for innovation and future success.

  • An increase to the foundation level of per-student funding: This investment of $14,668 per student provides critical funding for all public schools.

  • 3.1% increase to the facilities allotment in FY 2025: Supports safe and well-maintained buildings for public charter schools, which do not have access to capital dollars.

  • Enhanced At-Risk Weight Funding: Addresses equity head-on through increased support for students designated as “at-risk.”

  • Improving Supports for Student Attendance: Provides additional student-first investments, such as:

    • $4.8 million allocation to High-Impact Tutoring, which is proven to boost student attendance and academic success. 

    • $375,000 in “nudge” technology to target text and mail communication to families of students who are chronically absent or truant.

    • $9.7 million investment in safe passage to support students going to and from school and home. 

    • $7 million to increase capacity to serve 500 additional youth through the Department of Human Services Parent and Adolescent Support Services (PASS) program and 180 youth through Alternatives to the Court Experience (ACE) Diversion program. 

  • Investments in Secondary College and Career Pathways: These efforts will provide students with greater access to college-level courses and career pathways, bridging the gap between high school and higher education. 

    • $668,000 along with capital funding, to establish the Office of Education through Employment Pathways, which will provide key insights into education and workforce outcomes.

    • Significant investments to expand dual enrollment opportunities, including $17 million to expand the Advanced Technical Center at Penn Center; $600,000 to support the opening of a new Advanced Technical Center at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8; and $5 million to Reimagine High School, support the Advanced Technical Center in Ward 5, Career Ready Internship, Advanced Technical Internship, and dual enrollment seats.

    • $1.1 million for the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) to bolster student success and outcomes, along with other key investments. 

Still, there are areas where the budget should further align to solve the District’s academic achievement crisis. For the sake of time, I will focus only on two.

#1 – There is no proposed funding for a statewide strategy for math research and innovation—zero—even though students have experienced the greatest declines in math.  

Why math is important

In DC we are always talking about the many vacancies that exists in various career fields from school-based behavioral health clinicians to nurses, social workers, psychologists, and police – well guess what? All of these professions require strong math skills. Math helps students develop critical thinking skills, expands college and career options, and improves student outcomes later in life. Research says that student need to pass Algebra I by the eighth grade to put them on a trajectory of future postsecondary success.1

DC students need more and different support

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of our students need more and different kinds of support. In the 2022-2023 school year, nearly 8 out of 10 students who took the PARCC assessment in Math did not meet or exceed expectations.2 

DC parents want to overhaul math education

A recent poll surveying 325 parents of DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC public charter school students revealed 87% of respondents agree that Mayor Bowser and the DC Council must prioritize investments in improving math education. 79% of parents ranked math as the most important subject their children take among nine academic subject options presented, including 81% of Black parents and 73% of Latino parents.3 ​​70% would like to see a math innovation and research hub to  improve the quality of their child’s math education through evidence-based solutions led by a task force.4

Here’s how DC Council can help

We urge the DC Council to fund the establishment of a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force (“Task Force”) comprised of local and national experts to support pre-K-8th grade students, educators, and families with math. These experts can implement a statewide math strategy that includes five elements: daily math instruction with high-quality content and instructional materials; support for teachers; assessments and parent notification; interventions; and resources for families and caregivers. 

#2 – We are grateful for the $2 million proposed investment, but it does not fully fund the Early Literacy Education Taskforce recommendations. 

Why literacy is important

Yesterday, at the Public Briefing on the Mayor’s Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget and Financial Plan, Mayor Bowser mentioned the progress that DC has made because of the investments in literacy. I can think of no better reason to enhance an investment in this evidence-based approach. Reading is a fundamental skill that all students need in order to succeed in school, life, and career. Every child must read on grade level by third grade regardless of where in the city they live and what school they attend. That is not currently the case and too many students, and adults, struggle to read in the District of Columbia. In the 2022-23 school year, 66% of students did not meet or exceed expectations on the PARCC exam in English Language Arts.5 Further, the Washington Literacy Center recently reported that the literacy rate for DC residents in wards 7 and 8 is alarmingly only 49.8 percent.6 When I say that we have a literacy crisis in DC, I am not exaggerating.

Here’s how DC Council can (continue to) help

Because of the DC Council’s leadership, OSSE convened an Early Literacy Education Task Force last year, which culminated in the production of ahigh-quality report with four over-arching recommendations for expanding science of reading training to all elementary educators.7 Now, these recommendations must be implemented. The Mayor has proposed $2 million to implement high quality instructional materials for teachers based on recommendations from the literacy task force. In this austere budget, I do not take this investment lightly but I also know that it’s not enough. We urge the DC Council to fully fund the implementation of these recommendations. 

In closing, I want to reiterate my gratitude for the investments that have been proposed and to encourage the DC Council to enhance investments in learning acceleration. Namely by establishing a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force and fully fund the recommendations of the Early Literacy Education taskforce. In addition, I ask the DC Council during these budget oversight hearings to investigate whether the proposed investments to support attendance are enough to meet the vast need.  Thank you for allowing me to testify today. I am available for any questions you may have.


1 Predictors of Postsecondary Success. American Institutes for Resarch. Source: Accessed January 22, 2024.
2 OSSE. School year 2021-22 PARCC assessment results. Source:
3 Education Reform Now DC. Majority of DC Parents Want to Overhaul Math Education, New ERN DC Survey Reveals. Accessed April 4, 2024. Source:
 4 Ibid.
5 OSSE. 2022-23 Assessment Results. Source:
6 Reading is Fundamental. East of the River News. Source:
7 OSSE. Recommendations for Structured Literacy Instruction in the District of Columbia. Accessed April 4, 2024. Source:

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Civic Leader Emmanuel Bestman Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math.

I am Emmanuel Bestman, a ward 4 resident, financial literacy coach, and dedicated advocate for the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy, an organization fighting for a just and equitable education for all students in the District of Columbia. Today, I stand before you not as an educator but as a resident deeply concerned about our community’s future, especially regarding our students’ mathematical skills.

Emmanuel Bestman
Civic Leader
Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C.

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing on: 

  • Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

  • District of Columbia Public Schools

  • Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole;

I am Emmanuel Bestman, a ward 4 resident, financial literacy coach, and dedicated advocate for the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy, an organization fighting for a just and equitable education for all students in the District of Columbia. Today, I stand before you not as an educator but as a resident deeply concerned about our community’s future, especially regarding our students’ mathematical skills.

Here’s the hard truth: nearly 80% of our students didn’t meet math standards last year.1 In a city where every job of the future will demand strong math skills, this is a red flag we can’t ignore. The absence of proposed funding for a statewide strategy on math research and innovation is alarming, particularly when our students have faced unprecedented declines in math proficiency. 

Math is not just a subject; it is a critical tool that shapes our children’s future, fostering analytical skills and opening doors to numerous career opportunities.

My journey in financial literacy has shown me firsthand how math underpins the ability to make informed decisions, manage finances effectively, and navigate the complexities of our economic system. This skill set begins in the classroom. Still, the Mayor’s proposed FY2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan provides no funding for improving math instruction. Given our students’ math outcomes, this omission is troubling. Therefore, I am urging the DC Council to include a budget support act title that would:

  1. Create a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force: To lead a city-wide strategy, turning around our math education crisis.

  2. Invest in Evidence-Based Math Practices: Let’s fund programs that work, shown by real results, to transform our students’ math abilities.

  3. Support for Teachers and Families: Provide resources and training to those on the front lines of education, ensuring they have what they need to turn the tide.

The data is clear: when students excel in math, their chances for success skyrocket. This isn’t just an investment in education; it’s an investment in our city’s future. Thank you for considering this call to action.


1 OSSE. School year 2022-23 PARCC assessment results. Source:

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Civic Leader Kenya Johnson Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math

My name is Kenya Johnson, and I am a Career Pathways Educator in Ward 4 and an advocate for Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C. In the fight for just and equitable education for all students in D.C., even in a fiscally challenging year, we must consider how our budget will yield a return on investments in the years to come. Today, I come before you, to add on to Jessica Giles and Andre Aina’s testimony by offering a glimpse into our youth’s future and advocating for a budget that champions career pathways and dual enrollment programs as paths to success.

Kenya Johnson
Civic Leader, Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C.
Budget Oversight Hearing

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole;

My name is Kenya Johnson, and I am a Career Pathways Educator in Ward 4 and an advocate for Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C. In the fight for just and equitable education for all students in D.C., even in a fiscally challenging year, we must consider how our budget will yield a return on investments in the years to come. Today, I come before you, to add on to Jessica Giles and Andre Aina’s testimony by offering a glimpse into our youth’s future and advocating for a budget that champions career pathways and dual enrollment programs as paths to success.

When I think about the students I serve, their brilliance shines not simply through their grades but through their dreams to serve their community. Yet, in a city where opportunity and inequality walk side by side, my students’ dreams risk remaining unfulfilled. This is not just their story; it reflects the reality of many students in D.C., where only 7% have access to dual enrollment—a critical step toward higher education and career readiness.

With only 18% of the 2011-12 9th grade cohort completing their postsecondary degree within six years of high school graduation and D.C. residents between 18 and 34 only making half of what transplants do ($31,658 versus $58,547), it is a necessity for our city’s economic revival to invest in our young adults earning to move beyond a whisper of survival to a promise of prosperity.

We have a proven path illuminated by programs like the Advanced Technical Center (ATC) at Trinity Washington University that we commend OSSE for helping to establish. A program that students like mine can use to ensure their dreams come true if we expand those opportunities to them. 

In the Mayor’s FY2025 proposed budget, there are many worthwhile investments in secondary college and career pathways, including the following: 

  • $668,000 investment in establishing the Office of Education through Employment Pathways

  • $17 million investment to expand ATC at Penn Center

  • $600,000 to support the opening of a new ATC at the Whitman-Walker Max Robinson Center in Ward 8

  • $5 million to Reimagine High School, support the ATC in Ward 5, Career Ready Internship, Advanced Technical Internship, and dual enrollment seats

Still, there are remaining challenges with dual enrollment opportunities, such as the following:

  • Enhancing marketing efforts for dual enrollment to reach more students like mine.

  • Collecting and analyzing data to continuously improve and tailor the programs to our students’ needs.

  • Expanding in-person, cohort-based dual enrollment opportunities at local education agencies will help build these worthwhile opportunities into the school day.

  • Continuing to work to incentivize employers to hire students in high-demand, high-wage careers.

Our call to action is clear: By investing in dual enrollment, we are investing in our students’ futures and the economic vitality of our community. We must seize this opportunity to transform the educational and economic landscape of D.C.

Thank you for your time, and I am available for further discussion and collaboration on this critical matter.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Civic Leader Andre Aina Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math

Honorable Chairman Mendelson, esteemed members of the Committee of the Whole, and dedicated staff, I’m Andre Aina, CEO of Third Eye Education Analytics. In collaboration with Education Reform Now Advocacy DC (ERNA DC), I’m here today to speak to you about our commitment to improving student achievement in math education. Third Eye Education Analytics remains committed to empowering educators and children with data-driven insights, fostering a future where every kid in D.C. thrives academically.

Andre Aina
CEO, Third Eye Education Analytics
Budget Oversight Hearing

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Budget Oversight Hearing: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and DC Public Schools 

Honorable Chairman Mendelson, esteemed members of the Committee of the Whole, and dedicated staff, I’m Andre Aina, CEO of Third Eye Education Analytics. In collaboration with Education Reform Now Advocacy DC (ERNA DC), I’m here today to speak to you about our commitment to improving student achievement in math education. Third Eye Education Analytics remains committed to empowering educators and children with data-driven insights, fostering a future where every kid in D.C. thrives academically.

I return before you to emphasize the importance of improving math instruction in the District. My first testimony at the performance oversight hearing on these agencies articulated a vision; today, I give a call to action backed by tangible solutions for a funding framework. 

In school year 2022-23, 78% of DC students who took the Math PARCC assessment were not on or above grade level, which is a 2.6 percentage point increase from the school year 2021-2022.1 Data reveals a stark disparity in math proficiency rates across wards, with underfunded areas demonstrating the most significant gaps. 

In OSSE’s strategic plan,2 the agency cites the need to improve progress in math for student groups with the greatest needs. However, in the Mayor’s proposed FY2025 budget, there is no funding for a statewide strategy to support students and their families who struggle with math. 

Investing in the Future: A Comprehensive Strategy

Our proposal for a statewide math strategy is not merely an educational reform; it’s an investment in our community’s future. Funding is needed for the following:

  • A Math Task Force: Spearheading systemic reform requires collaborative expertise. Funding a task force ensures a coalition of voices, including those from underserved communities, shaping a math education that reflects the diversity and needs of our students.

  • Curriculum (Development) Enhancement and Coaching: Modernizing our approach to math education necessitates resources for developing curriculum on a school-by-school basis. Ensure there is a math coach for every elementary school by increasing the availability of coaches trained in evidence-based practices.

  • Support for Families and RTI Frameworks: To build a supportive ecosystem around each student, we should engage families in the educational process and implement Response to Intervention (RTI) models; this requires resources like workshops, digital tools, and targeted instructional materials.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: A data-driven approach to funding for monitoring and evaluation mechanisms is critical for transparency and continuous improvement.

Cultural Engagement

A Math Innovation and Research Task Force, which we estimate would cost $300K, would allow local and national experts, teachers, and families to engage on how math is perceived and its impact on students’ identities with it. We can identify how demographic backgrounds and attitudes shape students’ relationships with math. This approach will enable targeted strategies to nurture a positive math identity among students.

The Economic and Social Imperative

Investing in math education transcends academic achievement; it’s about economic resilience and social equity. Enhanced funding for math education promises a future where every student can pursue careers in STEM fields, contributing to a robust, innovative economy. By addressing the achievement gap, we lay the groundwork for a more equitable society.

A Call to Action: Seize the Moment for Transformational Change

The urgency to act has never been greater. With the DC Council’s support, we can initiate a transformative journey towards a future where math education is a beacon of excellence, equity, and empowerment. The proposed budget allocations are not merely expenditures; they are investments in the potential of our students and, by extension, the prosperity of our community.


In closing, we request $300,000 to establish a Math Innovation and Research Task Force. Thank you once again for the privilege of addressing this esteemed body. Together, we have the power to enact meaningful change. I look forward to partnering with the Council, the OSSE, and our community to turn our shared vision into a reality.


1 OSSE 2022-23 PARCC Assessment Results presentation. Accessed April 3, 2024. Source:
2 OSSE Strategic Plan. Accessed April 3, 2024. Source:

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Press Statement Kobi Tirey Press Statement Kobi Tirey

Majority of DC Parents Want to Overhaul Math Education, New Survey Reveals

A new poll surveying 325 parents of DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC public charter school students reveals a strong desire to overhaul math education. An overwhelming 87% of respondents agree that Mayor Bowser and the DC Council must prioritize investments in improving math education.

Majority of DC Parents Want to Overhaul Math Education, New Survey Reveals


Contact: Cesar Toledo, 

Washington, D.C. (March 11, 2024) — A new poll surveying 325 parents of DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC public charter school students reveals a strong desire to overhaul math education. An overwhelming 87% of respondents agree that Mayor Bowser and the DC Council must prioritize investments in improving math education.

 Additional key findings:

  • 79% of parents ranked math as the most important subject their children take among nine academic subject options presented, including 81% of Black parents and 73% of Latino parents.

  • 89% say they believe anyone can become a “math person” with the right teaching methods and support.

  • ​​70% would like to see a math innovation and research hub to improve the quality of their child’s math education through evidence-based solutions led by a task force.

  • Two out of eight ideas most picked for improving math education by parents were “making math education better apply to the real world” (49%) and “making math education more relevant to student interests” (34%). 

  • 66% of parents want their children to receive extra math tutoring at school. 

“Math is integral for students’ success in life, school, and career. Yet last year, 78% of DC public school students did not meet expectations in math. This statistic is grim yet solvable. When you add high-quality teaching plus the right kinds of support for students and families, you get confident students ready to take on the world,” said Jessica Giles, executive director at Education Reform Now D.C. “We are calling on the Mayor and Council to solve DC’s math problem by developing a statewide strategy implementing evidence-based, proven practices and supports.”

“Parents feel strongly that the city should invest in improving math education,” said Josh Boots, executive director of EmpowerK12. “Building upon these survey findings, EmpowerK12 will release a report that identifies where investments will have the greatest impact.”

In school year 2022-23, 78 percent of DC public students did not meet grade level expectations, down from 81 percent in school year 2021-22. Despite these worsening trends, math education has received little policy attention from city leaders. 

EmpowerK12’s report will be released on March 14, 2024, and highlights five key evidence-based practices observed in 36 District schools that have demonstrated notable growth in math. 

For the survey results memo, visit here, and for full results, visit here

# # #

About Education Reform Now D.C. 

ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Jessica Giles’ Testimony at Committee of the Whole

Chronic absenteeism and truancy is the number one issue facing our public education system. 43% of students were chronically absent in the 2022-2023 school year, and 37% of students were truant (more than 1 and 3 students). Why does this matter? If students are not attending school daily or consistently, then they will fall behind in school and could drop out of school altogether.

Jessica Giles
Executive Director, DC
Education Reform Now Advocacy

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Performance Oversight Hearing on:

● Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education
● District of Columbia Public Schools
● Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Good morning, Chairman Mendelson, Members, and Staff of the Committee  of the Whole. My name is Jessica Giles. I am a ward seven resident and the Executive Director of the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy (ERNA), an organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students. At ERNA, we always put the needs of students first and we’re steadfastly focused on improving student attendance, literacy, math, and secondary pathways to college and career. Because l have limited time, my testimony today will focus on the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME), and how we can continue to make progress in education in DC, and transform the lives of our students. 

(1) Treat Student Attendance with the Urgency it Deserves

Chronic absenteeism and truancy is the number one issue facing our public education system.1 43% of students were chronically absent in the 2022-2023 school year, and 37% of students were truant (more than 1 and 3 students).2 Why does this matter? If students are not attending school daily or consistently, then they will fall behind in school and could drop out of school altogether. The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council released a report in 2020 that showed educational indicators have the largest magnitude of association with juvenile justice involvement, higher than homelessness and neglect/abuse.3 Youth with an average number of unexcused absences are 3.16 times more likely to become justice system involved than if they had no unexcused absences.4 Unfortunately, there are no magic solutions for addressing our attendance crisis. All of our agencies must play an active role in supporting student attendance. When faced with smaller budgets, schools must keep evidenced-based practices that work in driving student attendance, including nudge communications. I’ll end by asking: who is ultimately responsible for attendance? From my experience, when no one leads, nothing gets done.

(2) Become a Math Hub for Innovation and Research 

Math helps students develop critical thinking skills and opens up career pathways. A student’s ability to pass Algebra I by the eighth grade is an indicator of future postsecondary success.5 However, in the 2022-2023 school year, nearly 8 out of 10 students who took the PARCC assessment in Math did not meet expectations.6 While OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning Professional Development offers resources on standards and implementation, assessments, instructional materials, distance learning, and professional development, there is no comprehensive, statewide PreK-8 mathematics strategy. A statewide strategy includes five elements: daily math instruction with high-quality content and instructional materials; support for teachers; assessments and parent notification; interventions; and resources for families and caregivers. The DC Council should pass legislation to establish a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force (“Task Force”), as there has been in literacy. As the ESSER cliff approaches and high-impact tutoring funds are spent, there must be a statewide strategy and interventions in place to continue providing support for students who struggle with math. Our civic leader Andre Aina will be testifying later today about the need for this statewide math strategy.

(3) Transform how Literacy is Taught in DC

Every student has a right to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that all students need to succeed in school, life, and career. Children must read on grade level by third grade regardless of where in the city they live and what school they attend. That is not currently the case and too many students and adults struggle to read in the District of Columbia. Last school year, 66.3 percent of students who took the English Language Arts section of the PARCC assessment did not meet expectations.7 

For the last three years, ERNA DC has been advocating for the expansion of science of reading. We have been pleased by the Mayor and OSSE’s tremendous leadership in this area. OSSE has invested $20 million over five years and released a comprehensive literacy plan.8 Additionally, OSSE convened an Early Literacy Education Task Force last year, which culminated in the production of a high-quality report with four over-arching recommendations for expanding science of reading training to all elementary educators.9 Thanks to the leadership of Councilmember Pinto and Chairman Mendelson for funding this task force. Now, these recommendations must be implemented. Recently, we shared a sign-on letter on behalf of literacy advocates urging full investment in the science of reading. We urge the Mayor and DC Council to fully fund the recommendations in the report.

(4) Build Strong, Accessible College and Career Pathways for Students

About half of DC students enroll in college within six months of graduating, but only 8 out of 100 9th-grade cohort students will complete postsecondary education within six years of graduating high school.10 There are many consequences for students not earning a degree or credential that have an impact on their ability to earn a livable wage and the little data we have now indicates that 18 to 34 years of age make half of what transplants do: $31,658 v $58,547.11 To put bluntly, we are doing a great disservice to our students by not adequately preparing them for what comes next. Last November, ERNA’s affiliate organization, Education Reform Now DC, published a report titled, “D.C.’s Quiet Crisis in College Access & Completion,” which included several recommendations DC leaders can take to address these challenges.12 

Rapidly Expand Dual Enrollment and Early College

Dual enrollment is known to lead to greater two-year and four-year college enrollment, degree attainment, and earnings six years after high school, with stronger effects for students who are traditionally underrepresented.13 Despite this fact, only 1,300 students (7%) of D.C. public high school students participated in these opportunities.14 Over the last year or so, the DME convened a dual enrollment working group with education stakeholders to figure out how to equitably scale up dual enrollment opportunities, and the office released a report titled, “Strengthening Student Access and Success in Dual Enrollment in Washington, DC: Report and Recommendations.”15 While OSSE has worked diligently to increase the number of students participating in dual enrollment opportunities over the last few years – this is not enough. We urge OSSE to double the number of dual enrollment seats in fiscal year 2025, enhance the program’s marketing, and collect data on student outcomes. This must include a strategy for expanding in-person cohort-based dual enrollment at local education agencies for students furthest from opportunities. 

Maintain and Build out the Education to Employment Data System

DME officially launched the Education Through Employment Data System recently, which we are very excited about. We appreciate that there is an intention to ground the data in community feedback and cross-partner collaboration. We urge the Mayor and DC Council to maintain an investment in the Education to Employment data system in fiscal year 2025 and beyond, and to include a return-on-investment analysis on current career programming to see what works and what does not.

Implement a Strategy for Incentivizing Employers in High-Wage, High-Demand Career Fields

Lastly, the Deputy Mayor for Education and DC Council must identify incentives for employers to hire DC students, such as establishing a fund for employers in high-demand, high-wage industries to receive support for hiring DC students and removing barriers for them.

In closing, we want to thank Mayor Bowser for a proposed 12.4% increase to the foundation level of the uniform per student funding formula, or $14,668 per student, which includes educator pay. We applaud this investment and hope the DC Council approves it, as well as the charter facilities allotment. Still, we know that local education agencies (LEAs) in both sectors will have to make gut-wrenching decisions about their staffing and funding in FY 2025 due to lower revenue and the approaching ESSER cliff. We look forward to seeing the results of the DC Council-mandated adequacy study and ask the Committee of the Whole to ask for an update on its progress. 

Thank you for letting me testify today. I am available for any questions you may have.


1 Education Reform Now DC. 12 December 2023. ERN DC Testimony on Chronic Absenteeism & Truancy. Source:
2 District of Columbia Attendance Report 2022-23 School Year. 30 November 2023. Source:
3 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. November 2020. A Study of the Root Causes of Juvenile Justice System Involvement. Source:
4 Ibid
5 Predictors of Postsecondary Success. American Institutes for Resarch. Source: Accessed January 22, 2024.
6 OSSE. School year 2021-22 PARCC assessment results. Source:
7 Ibid. School year 2021-22 PARCC assessment results.
8 Office of the State Superintendent of Education. District of Columbia Literacy Plan. December 2021.
9 Office of the State Superintendent of Education. Recommendations for Structured Literacy Instruction in the District of Columbia. September 2023. Source:
10 DC Policy Center. Coffin, Chelsea and Julie Rubin. State of D.C. Schools, 2021-22. D.C. Policy Center, 15 March 2023,
11 DC Policy Center. Coffin, Chelsea and Julie Rubin. Measuring Early Career Outcomes in D.C. Policy Center, 17 Nov. 2021,
12 Education Reform Now DC. “D.C.’s Quiet Crisis in College Access & Completion.” 1 November 2023. Source:
13 College in High School Alliance. “Evidence of Success.” Source:
14 Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education. “Strengthening Student Access and Success in Dual Enrollment in Washington, DC: Report and Recommendations.” 11 December 2023. Source:
15 iBid.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Andre Aina’s Testimony to the DC State Board of Education on Statewide Math Education and AI Integration

I’m Andre Aina, CEO of Third Eye Education Analytics. I’m here today, in collaboration with Education Reform Now Advocacy DC (ERNA DC), to speak to you about our commitment to improving student achievement in math education and the responsible use of AI to support our teachers and students.

Andre Aina, CEO
Third Eye Education Analytics 

Testimony to the DC State Board of Education on Statewide Math Education and AI Integration

Good afternoon, distinguished members of the DC State Board of Education. I’m Andre Aina, CEO of Third Eye Education Analytics. I’m here today, in collaboration with Education Reform Now Advocacy DC (ERNA DC), to speak to you about our commitment to improving student achievement in math education and the responsible use of AI to support our teachers and students. 

Third Eye Education Analytics uses modern data analytics to provide schools and educators with effective tools for tracking and supporting student achievement. I personally have a decade of direct experience working with students in mathematics education across many domains—special education, general education, and Response to Intervention (RTI). I am committed to improving DC students’ learning experiences. 

Through our collaboration, ERNA DC and Third Eye have underscored several key insights that have helped shape this testimony, highlighting the imperative to enhance our approach to math education. 

  • A statewide approach to improving literacy in DC has shown much promise, but we have yet to implement a systematic statewide plan for PreK-8 mathematics. 

  • Federal education money from the epidemic (also known as the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) grant) that supported High-Impact Tutoring and other evidence-based programs is nearing an end; therefore, we must implement effective solutions to continue supporting students. 

  • There is a noticeable dip in math achievement among students in DC. Last year, 78% of DC public school students did not meet expectations in math. This isn’t just about missed lessons; it’s a red flag for their future. 

  • As the temporary financial aid from the pandemic begins to fade, establishing a Mathematics Support Fund is imperative to ensuring our strides in math education are sustained for generations to come. 

This situation calls for an innovative, tech-driven strategy to rejuvenate math learning, making it not only more engaging but also tailored to meet every student’s individual needs. 

A Statewide Math Strategy 

A statewide strategy begins with forming a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force to oversee improvements in math education. It could then consist of these five components: daily math instruction with high-quality content and instructional materials; teacher assistance; evaluations and parental communication; interventions; and services for families and caregivers. 

This starts with creating a comprehensive district-wide pre-K through 8th-grade mathematics strategy. This strategy provides teachers with support, resources, and professional development in mathematics. We should implement screeners and assessments paired with parental notifications that communicate students’ progress in mathematics to their families. 

Develop and deploy interventions for students who are struggling with math, and generate resources for families and caregivers to support math learning at home. Create a Mathematics Support Fund to administer grants for math education enhancement. 

Third Eye Pilot Program 

During Third Eye Education’s pilot program this past summer, we partnered with a non-profit organization to provide their summer enrichment program with our digital learning services. While maintaining data privacy, we used AI to analyze a student’s past performance with current math and reading diagnostics. This helped us create personalized learning paths in reading and mathematics. 

AI was a major help when it came to differentiating the content that we produced for students. Once our instructional designer and I created the content for a specific common core reading or math standard, we were able to produce more versions of this content at different levels with the use of AI. This helps us tailor instruction to the right access point, which is also known as the zone of proximal development. 

We have also used AI to analyze a vast amount of curriculum information and assessment data to provide us with insights into trends across groups of students and individual student needs, helping them to tailor their instruction more effectively. It also assists in automating specific administrative tasks, like producing progress reports for families based on student metrics. In the classroom setting, AI could allow a teacher more time to focus on teaching. 

A Statewide AI Strategy 

We believe that the district should create an AI Task Force to craft strategies for effectively incorporating AI as a learning tool and subject of study. 

The findings of this task force can help schools comprehensively prepare to fully leverage AI’s potential while safeguarding against its associated risks and ethical implications. This preparation involves several key measures: 

Educational Policy and Framework Development: Establishing clear guidelines and policies that dictate the ethical use of AI in educational contexts and ensuring that AI tools are used to complement rather than replace the human elements of teaching and learning.

Teacher Training and Professional Development: Equipping educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively integrate AI tools into their teaching practices. Teachers should be prepared to teach students about the ethical use of AI, including understanding the limitations of AI-generated content and the importance of academic integrity. 

Collaborative Research and Development: Creation of an encouraging collaboration between educators, AI researchers, and technology developers to create AI solutions that are pedagogically sound and aligned with educational goals. This collaborative approach can lead to the development of AI tools that are not only technologically advanced but also deeply rooted in educational best practices. 


In closing, I implore you to support our call to action—a call to not only mend the gaps created by the pandemic but to leap forward into a future where every student is equipped to thrive in a global marketplace. 

Thank you for the privilege of presenting this testimony. I stand ready, alongside ERNA DC and the broader education community, to support this monumental shift towards a brighter, more equitable future for our students.

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Testimonial Kobi Tirey Testimonial Kobi Tirey

Giles’ Testimony on Academic Achievement

The road to academic recovery remains long. DC students are navigating many different challenges: public safety concerns and declines in mental health and well-being, extremely high rates of chronic absenteeism and truancy, and low math and reading proficiency. Consequently, fewer students are enrolling in postsecondary education and completing.

D.C. Council’s Committee of the Whole Public Roundtable on:

Academic Achievement in the District of Columbia

Jessica Giles
Executive Director
Education Reform Now Advocacy

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole; my name is Jessica Giles. I am a ward seven resident and the Executive Director of the DC Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy (ERNA), an organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all DC students. I am pleased to testify at the Committee of the Whole’s hearing on Academic Achievement in the District.

The road to academic recovery remains long. DC students are navigating many different challenges: public safety concerns and declines in mental health and well-being, extremely high rates of chronic absenteeism and truancy, and low math and reading proficiency. Consequently, fewer students are enrolling in postsecondary education and completing.

Public safety concerns and declines in mental health and well-being

DC has gone backward on public safety. Schools went from COVID-19 shutdowns to shooting investigation lockdowns. Students are getting robbed on their way to school and SAT prep. Bullets are being sprayed throughout our neighborhoods. Multiple studies and anecdotal evidence reveal that students across the nation and  in DC Public Schools and public charter schools are suffering from declines in mental well-being made worse by the pandemic. For example, the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Study revealed that 35% of D.C. students reported feeling so sad or hopeless for as long as two weeks that they stopped doing some usual activities, up from 31% in 2019. 1 This rate is 67.6% for transgender students. 2 Additionally, EmpowerK12’s Student and Educator Wellbeing Survey in 2022 found that roughly 1 in 10 elementary school students experienced a significant well- being challenge during the fall term of the 2021-2022 school year. 3 In middle school, the rate was higher – one in eight students. DC Council must continue making critical investments in youth’s behavioral health – and increase the reach and efficacy of the school-based behavioral health program. Every school should have at least one clinician but I am hearing from schools that they have not received one or they get one late into the school year.

Extremely high rates of chronic absenteeism and truancy

While DC’s chronic absenteeism and truancy rates have declined, it is still unacceptedly high. In the 2022-2023 school year, DC’s chronic absenteeism rate fell from 48% to 43% and truancy fell from 42% to 37%. 4 Notably, high school students had very high rates of chronic absenteeism and truancy at 60% and 47% respectively, and 9th graders had profound rates of chronic absenteeism. 5 Additionally, Black and Latino students were much more likely to have high chronic truancy rates than Asian and White students. DC Council must ensure there is an immediate, whole government response to chronic absenteeism and truancy and analyze best practices from schools who’ve made improvements in student attendance post-pandemic.

Low proficiency in math and reading

Overall, math and reading proficiency continues to be low. This is undoubtedly connected to the high chronic absenteeism and truancy rates. Namely, the percentage of students who met or exceeded expectations on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) has not yet risen to pre-pandemic levels. Only 37.0% of students met or exceeded expectations in English Language Arts (ELA) in school year 2018-2019, 30.8% in school year 2021-2022, and 33.7% in school year 2022-2023. In Math, only 31.0% of students met or exceeded expectations in school year 2018-2019, 19.5% in school year 2021-2022, and 21.8% in school year 2022-2023. Opportunity gaps persist and even widened between White students and Black and Latino students. Economically disadvantaged students, those with disabilities and English learners continue to score the lowest of every student group.

To address low academic achievement, OSSE and LEAs have committed to using evidenced-based practices such as High Impact Tutoring 6 to combat learning loss and structured literacy training for elementary school educators. As DC Council considers how to bolster academic achievement for students, it should fund the Early Literacy Taskforce recommendations and examine support for educators to enhance the teaching of math.7

More students are graduating high school, but fewer are enrolling into postsecondary education and completing

DC’s graduation rate continues to rise yearly though the percentage of students enrolling into and completing postsecondary education has declined. The four-year high school graduation rate increased from 68% in the school year 2018-2019 (pre-pandemic) to 75% in 2021-2022 (post-pandemic) to 76% in the school year 2022-2023. While all student groups experienced overall increases in graduation rate, opportunity gaps remained evident. Of note, the four-year graduation rate for male students continued to lag behind female student graduation rate by 12 percentage points.

The percentage of graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021 who enrolled in a postsecondary degree-granting institution within six months dropped from 53% to 51%, respectively. 8 Postsecondary enrollment decreased most for Black high school graduates, from 52% to 49%. Latino students’ enrollment within six months of graduation decreased slightly, from 44% to 43%. However, White students went to college at higher rates, from 72% to 76%. Other subgroups experienced increased college enrollment during the same timeframe; however, rates remained problematically low. Students with disabilities increased their college-going from 27% to 35%, and English learners from 31% to 33%. College enrollment for students designated as “at-risk” stayed the same at 38%.

Postsecondary completion rates also decreased. In 2020, 14 out of a 9th-grade cohort of 100 students were expected to complete a postsecondary degree within six years. In 2021, only eight were.9

To be clear: DC voters are deeply concerned about our students’ future. Recently, we launched our advocacy campaign: Breaking Barriers for Black & Latino Youth From High School to Career. This campaign is focused on urging a change in policy and practice to directly address the fact that so few students obtain a college degree even though 58% of jobs require one. So far this year, we have knocked on more than 800 doors East of the River. Voters have shared with us their top issues: Education, Public Safety, more school funding, and expanding extracurricular activities. A total of 208 people 10 have signed our petition so far urging the Mayor and DC Council to take action to ensure that Black and Latino students’ academic experience includes meaningful college and career opportunities through the expansion of dual enrollment and early college, pathways to high-wage careers, and reforms to the college admissions process. We look forward to speaking with more voters to elevate this issues.

In closing, the DC Council can support academic achievement by:

● Making critical investments in children’s behavioral health – and increase the reach and efficacy of the school-based behavioral health program.
● Ensuring there is an immediate, whole government response to chronic absenteeism and truancy and analyze best practices from schools who’ve made improvements in student attendance post-pandemic.
● Funding the Early Literacy Taskforce recommendations and examine support for educators to enhance the teaching of math.
● Ensuring that Black and Latino students’ academic experience includes meaningful college and career opportunities through the expansion of dual enrollment and early college, pathways to high-wage careers, and reforms to the college admissions process.

Thank you for allowing me to testify at this hearing. I am available for any questions you may have.


1 OSSE. 2021 DC Behavioral Health Academic Achievement Report. 2 Nov. 2023. Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.
3 EmpowerK12. Wellbeing Survey. May 2022. Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.
4 OSSE. District of Columbia Attendance Report 2022-23 School Year. Accessed 6. Dec. 2023.
5 OSSE. District of Columbia Attendance Report 2022-23 School Year. Accessed 6. Dec. 2023.
6 OSSE. High-Impact Tutoring Report: Fiscal Year 2023. 21 Aug. 23. Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.
7 OSSE. Recommendations for Structured Literacy Instruction in the District of Columbia. 3 Oct. 23. Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.
8 The data in this paragraph was included on the prior version of the DC School Report Card (accessed November 1, 2023). The new school report card does not show this information, which is something that OSSE should address.
9 Coffin, Chelsea and Julie Rubin. State of D.C. Schools, 14 2021-22. D.C. Policy Center, 15 March 2023, Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.
10 Breaking Barriers for Black and Latino Youth! Accessed 6 Dec. 2023.

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