Civic Leader Emmanuel Bestman Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math.

Emmanuel Bestman
Civic Leader
Education Reform Now Advocacy D.C.

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing on: 

  • Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education

  • District of Columbia Public Schools

  • Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole;

I am Emmanuel Bestman, a ward 4 resident, financial literacy coach, and dedicated advocate for the D.C. Chapter of Education Reform Now Advocacy, an organization fighting for a just and equitable education for all students in the District of Columbia. Today, I stand before you not as an educator but as a resident deeply concerned about our community’s future, especially regarding our students’ mathematical skills.

Here’s the hard truth: nearly 80% of our students didn’t meet math standards last year.1 In a city where every job of the future will demand strong math skills, this is a red flag we can’t ignore. The absence of proposed funding for a statewide strategy on math research and innovation is alarming, particularly when our students have faced unprecedented declines in math proficiency. 

Math is not just a subject; it is a critical tool that shapes our children’s future, fostering analytical skills and opening doors to numerous career opportunities.

My journey in financial literacy has shown me firsthand how math underpins the ability to make informed decisions, manage finances effectively, and navigate the complexities of our economic system. This skill set begins in the classroom. Still, the Mayor’s proposed FY2025 Budget and Fiscal Plan provides no funding for improving math instruction. Given our students’ math outcomes, this omission is troubling. Therefore, I am urging the DC Council to include a budget support act title that would:

  1. Create a Mathematics Innovation and Research Task Force: To lead a city-wide strategy, turning around our math education crisis.

  2. Invest in Evidence-Based Math Practices: Let’s fund programs that work, shown by real results, to transform our students’ math abilities.

  3. Support for Teachers and Families: Provide resources and training to those on the front lines of education, ensuring they have what they need to turn the tide.

The data is clear: when students excel in math, their chances for success skyrocket. This isn’t just an investment in education; it’s an investment in our city’s future. Thank you for considering this call to action.


1 OSSE. School year 2022-23 PARCC assessment results. Source:


Jessica Giles’ COW Testimony to DC Council’s Committee of the Whole FY 2025 Budget Oversight Hearing


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