Statement from Democrats for Education Reform D.C. on the Final Budget Vote

CONTACT: Joshua Hodge 

The D.C. Council Makes Historic Investments in Public Education, a Win for Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 7, 2022) – Democrats for Education Reform D.C. (DFER D.C.) State Director Jessica Giles released the following statement on the inclusion of DFER D.C.’s priorities in the FY2023 budget:

“Our community urged Mayor Muriel Bowser, Chairman Phil Mendelson, and the D.C. Council to pass an education budget that helps fix school funding inequity, invests in safe and positive learning environments, and supports our educators; and they delivered,” Giles said.

“Last Tuesday, the D.C. Council voted in support of historic investments in per-pupil funding, greater funding for schools serving high percentages of students designated as at-risk, an updated adequacy study for education, a 3.1% increase in the charter facilities allotment, structured literacy training for educators, school-based behavioral health supports, and an expansion of a pre-existing first-time homeowner financial assistance program to educators.

“Our elected officials continue to show that education is of utmost importance by making these historic investments. 

“Our students must come first  – no matter what. Their race, gender, sexual orientation, class, zip code, or disability should not impact the quality of education they receive. This is why we fight for a budget that works in the best interest of our students and our community. 

“We look forward to continuing to partner with the office of the Mayor, D.C. Council, and the D.C. State Board of Education to ensure all students—especially those who have been historically disenfranchised — have the opportunity to have a fair, equitable, and high-quality public education.”

On Tuesday, June 7, 2022, the fiscal year 2023 budget and financial plan included the following investments: 

  • Two new concentration at-risk weights in the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF), for a total of $10.4 million in recurring funding;

  • A $300,000 adequacy study every five years to ensure the UPSFF increases adequately for all students;

  • A 5.9% increase to the foundation of the UPSFF for all schools in FY 2023;

  • A 3.1% increase to the public charter facilities allotment in FY 2023 to keep up with rising costs in the District;

  • Structured literacy training for D.C. Public School teachers, a $2,000 stipend for those who complete the training, and a task force; 

  • An increase in community-based organization grant sizes in the School-Based Behavioral Health program and $150,000 to fund a cost study; 

  • Expansion to educators of a pre-existing first-time homeowner financial assistance program; and 

  • Continued funding for restorative justice, dual enrollment, and High-Impact Tutoring.


DFER D.C. Congratulates Mayor Muriel Bowser and Chairman Phil Mendelson, Celebrates Citywide Victories For All Students
