DFER DC Statement on SCOTUS Race Conscious Admissions Ruling

DFER DC Statement on SCOTUS Race Conscious Admissions Ruling 


Contact: Cesar Toledo, Cesar@dfer.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 27, 2023) – In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to unjustly strike down race conscious admissions policies, Democrats for Education Reform DC (DFER DC) released the following statement: 

“By gutting equitable access to our country’s higher education system, today’s majority conservative Supreme Court ruled against Black and Brown students’ access to the American Dream,” said Jessica Giles, Executive Director of DFER DC. “This ruling erases decades of progress – a particularly concerning reality given our higher-education system continues to uphold systemic, racist barriers to entry that keep doors of opportunity closed on Black and Brown students.” 

“Now more than ever, we must upend the college admission process to ensure it is optimized for racial equity, starting by abolishing legacy preference – a textbook example of systemic racism. In the absence of race conscious admissions policies, we strongly urge D.C. elected officials to pass policies that ensure our Black and Brown students complete postsecondary education and can obtain economic prosperity.”

About Democrats for Education Reform D.C. 

Democrats for Education Reform D.C. is dedicated to eliminating racial inequity and discrimination in D.C.’s public education system by supporting leaders who champion student-centered policies. More information can be found on our website at www.dferdc.org.


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