D.C. Rebukes National Wave of Public Education Censorship

Contact: Cesar Toledo
, Cesar@edreformnow.org 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 22, 2023) — Today, Jessica Giles, Executive Director at Education Reform Now D.C., issued a statement regarding the D.C. State Board of Education’s adoption of new social studies standards and menstrual health guidelines: 

“As state legislatures across the country seek to censor the voices and history of Black and other marginalized communities and restrict health education, this week D.C. embraced new social studies standards that confront our nation’s complex history and adopted universal menstrual health standards – a first in the country,” said Jessica Giles, Executive Director at Education Reform Now D.C. 

“It’s imperative that D.C. counter the national movement to erase Black history and equip our youth with inclusive health literacy lessons. We look forward to D.C. tackling financial literacy standards, essential for success in life and career. We hope other states follow our lead in accurately modernizing their curriculum to foster a more informed and empathetic generation of future leaders.”


About Education Reform Now D.C. 

ERN DC is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in DC Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination in DC public schools.


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