Statement on the DC Auditor Education Data Audit

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 10, 2021)—Democrats for Education Reform DC Interim Director Jessica Giles released the following statement in response to today’s release of the Office of the DC Auditor’s findings:

“The Office of the DC Auditor (DC Auditor) released an inflammatory report that implies our public education system has not collected the data which is necessary to measure student progress meaningfully. 

Having accurate data is essential for the District. It gives the general public accurate information on its schools and helps policymakers take actionable steps to close students’ opportunity gaps. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) has made significant strides in creating more robust data systems. It will need to develop stronger policies to improve data collection and build on its foundation.

Unfortunately, this report comes at a time when we can’t afford to fail our students. Many of our students, especially Black and Brown students, are experiencing difficulty learning and maintaining their physical and mental well-being. We must advance targeted solutions that will close the opportunity gaps that have plagued the District for far too long. Join us and our affiliate Education Reform Now in fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in the District of Columbia.”


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