Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Vision

 A public education system in Washington, D.C., that justly and equitably serves all students. 

Our Mission

To recruit, educate, and help elect Democratic and progressive candidates who are committed to creating a public education system in Washington, D.C., that justly and equitably serves all students.

Our Values


  • We are committed to prioritizing the success and well-being of students above all else. 

  • We are committed to examining our policy priorities continuously to ensure that they are truly student-centered.

  • We are committed to defending and advocating for just and effective policies that are in the best interests of students, even if those policies are unpopular or politically inexpedient. 

  • We are committed to evidence over ideology, and to policy outcomes over political victories.


  • We are committed to being anti-racist both in education and in our daily lives. 

  • We are committed to examining and understanding our work through the lens of equity and racial justice.

  • We are committed to breaking down the systemic barriers that perpetuate these injustices and inequities.

  • We are committed to including in our policy formation and advocacy efforts the voices of historically marginalized communities.


  • We are committed to operating in all aspects of our work with honor and humility.

  • We are committed to acknowledging and learning from our past, and to continuously improving, as individuals and as an organization.


  • We are committed to working collaboratively, both within our organization and across the ecosystem of education, social-justice advocates, families, and communities.

  • We are committed to acknowledging and appreciating all opinions, valuing the diversity of people and perspectives.

  • We are committed to understanding and working within the interconnected nature of social justice work, acknowledging that harm and injustice anywhere affects students and families everywhere.


DFER DC Releases Voter Guide on Education Issues


DFER DC Renews Commitment to Equity in Education