FY2025 Budget Wins

Contact: Cesar Toledo
, Cesar@edreformnow.org 

Washington, D.C. (May 29, 2024) — In response to the D.C. Council’s first vote on the FY 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024 and Budget Support Act of 2024, Jessica Giles, Executive Director of Education Reform Now DC, released the following statement:

“Today’s vote on the budget is a victory for our students. Building on the Mayor’s proposal, the Chairman and DC Council proactively commit to improving our public education system in several impactful ways: 

Provides innovative and evidence-based early literacy investments that prioritize reading in kindergarten and support educators in teaching the science of reading ($566,291 in FY 2025 and $2.9 million across the financial plan). 

Ensures safe and conducive learning environments by reversing the repeal of the 3.1% increase to the public charter facilities allowance to keep pace with inflation in fiscal year 2026 and beyond ($17.5 million across the financial plan).

Strengthens secondary college and career pathways to prepare our students for the demands of workforce and higher education by restoring the D.C. Futures program for current enrollees ($4.3 million in FY 2025 and $14.4 million across the financial plan) and supporting the evaluation and planning necessary to enhance Career and Technical Education and dual enrollment programming ($150,000).

Still, the DC Council must address a glaring hole in the budget: a lack of a plan to address our math problem. When only 11% of Black students are proficient in math, it is clear that our work is far from over. We strongly urge the DC Council to fund and scale evidence-based strategies to support students struggling in math.”

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About Education Reform Now D.C. 
ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.


Josh Boots: How to help D.C.’s kids learn the math they need to succeed


Brandon Best: DC needs a vision — and funding — for math innovation