ERN DC Applauds Mayor Bowser’s Commitment to Students

ERN DC Applauds Mayor Bowser’s Commitment to Students 

Contact: Cesar Toledo

Washington, D.C. (February 14, 2024) — In response to Mayor Bowser announcing a 12.4% increase to the uniform per student funding formula (UPSFF) in her fiscal year 2025 budget proposal, Jessica Giles, Executive Director of Education Reform Now D.C., released the following statement:

“Despite heading into one of the most challenging budget seasons in recent memory, Mayor Bowser demonstrated an unwavering commitment to funding the needs of our learners and their educators. The historic boost to the District’s per-student funding formula sends a clear message to parents: your learner’s academic achievement is my top priority. 

As the District faces an approaching Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) cliff, it is critical for all our leaders to continue funding evidence-based solutions that improve attendance and safety while preparing our students to be the leaders of tomorrow: strengthening early literacy, innovating in math, and building high-wage career pathways.”  

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About Education Reform Now D.C.
ERN D.C. is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all students in Washington, D.C. We seek progress in D.C. Public Schools and public charter schools by developing and advocating for systemic change to eliminate racial inequity and discrimination.


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