DC Voters Overwhelmingly Support Equal Funding for DCPS and Public Charter Schools - Black Press USA

Nearly 8 of 10 voters (79%) believe that the Mayor and D.C. Council should include a raise in compensation for DCPS and public charter school educators in this year’s budget. The same percentage of voters (79%) believe that the D.C. Council should maintain the 3.1% charter facilities allowance increase so public charter schools can continue to make rent or mortgage payments, complete major renovations or modernizations, and pay for utilities, repairs, and maintenance.

“These results underscore that D.C. voters want all our students to have high-quality public education options, educators who are fairly compensated, and schools that are modernized–whether students attend a traditional public school or public charter,” said Jessica Giles, Executive Director of ERN D.C. In the fiscal year 2024 budget, we urge the Mayor and D.C. Council to listen to voters and prioritize an equitable education for all students, which includes equal funding for DCPS and public charter schools.”

SurveyUSA interviewed 501 District of Columbia registered voters who voted in the November 2022 general election or the November 2020 general election. This research was conducted between Feb. 20, 2023 and Feb. 26, 2023.

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DC Voters Overwhelmingly Support Equal Funding for DCPS and Public Charter Schools - AFRO News


Black Press USA - 3/21/23 DC Voters Overwhelmingly Support Equal Funding for DCPS and Public Charter Schools