Students, Faculty Petition to End GU Legacy Admissions - Georgetowner

 “That’s not good enough. It favors White and therefore is racist,” according to student justice activist organizations such as Employee Resource Networks (ERN).

“We are challenging state and college leaders to eliminate structurally racist and systemically inequitable admission policies, such as legacy preference and binding early decision, which make college admissions less fair and erode public trust in higher education,” said Jessica Giles, executive director of Democrats for Education Reform DC, in a Aug. 19 interview in Georgetown. 

 A petition has been circulating on campus and among students and faculty to  “demand the abolition of legacy admissions at Georgetown.”  It was said over the summer that more than 500 students and faculty at Georgetown University had signed the petition (the actual number was reported by the student newspaper, The Hoya, in September to be about 300).  ERN demanded that the D.C. Council end legacy admission at George Washington, American, Georgetown, Howard and Catholic universities…

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News from Washington - September 2023


Legacy admissions under fire: Carleton abandons, Georgetown students petition, Pa. senator proposes ban - Higher Ed Dive