My Motto, My Passion, My Purpose

By Kyle Myers


Letisha Vinson has been a committed education advocate for almost a decade. She is a mother of two, an Education Reform Champion, and a long-time PAVE Parent (Parents Amplifying Voices in Education). Her initial motivation to start her education reform journey stemmed from recognizing the transformative power of education in shaping lives and communities. When her children started school, she knew it would be paramount to get involved to ensure not only her children receive an equitable education but also fight for all of DC’s youth. 

In our interview, Letisha stated: 

“Witnessing firsthand the disparities in access and outcomes within the education system ignited a passion within me to advocate for equity and reform. This work is incredibly important, and someone has to do it, so why not me?

Throughout her journey, there have been several highlights and achievements that stand out. One of her most notable has been the influence she has been fortunate to have had on other advocates and parents in the space. She has been honored to participate in several leadership development trainings and fellowships. As a result, Letisha has been able to apply her skills in informal and formal roles of leadership across organizing, policy, and advocacy. Civically, she is proud of her impact on her children’s school, ward, and the DC community, taking what she has learned to support and advise others. Letisha has been recognized publicly and privately for my genuine desire to improve the lives of others through resources and support. Her motto, her passion, and her purpose have been to “educate, empower, and support others.” 

When asked what issues stand out the most today in DC schools, Letisha shared:

“As for the issues facing DC schools today, several stand out prominently. Foremost among these is the persistent achievement gap and inequities in educational opportunities. Addressing these disparities requires a multifaceted approach, including equitable resource allocation, culturally responsive teaching practices, and targeted interventions to support underserved communities. Additionally, ensuring safe and inclusive learning environments and providing robust support systems for students' social and emotional well-being are critical priorities.

These are critical issues that directly impact the well-being and success of students in DC schools. The persistent achievement gap and inequities in educational opportunities are systemic challenges that undermine the principles of fairness and equal access to education. Addressing these disparities is crucial for ensuring that all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential and succeed academically. 

Moreover, targeted interventions are necessary to address the specific needs of underserved communities and bridge the achievement gap. By providing additional support and resources to students who face barriers to success, such as poverty or language barriers, schools can help level the playing field and promote equity.

In addition to academic support, ensuring safe and inclusive learning environments is essential for students to thrive. Creating a positive school climate where students feel respected, supported, and valued fosters a conducive learning environment and promotes overall well-being.

By addressing these factors, schools can better support students' holistic development and improve academic outcomes.”

This statement is a true testament to her knowledge of the education landscape, and her vision for its future. Being a civic leader has given Letisha a direct line to grow her network and amplify her impact on these issues and education as a whole. Through engagement with DFER DC  and PAVE, Letisha has advocated for policy changes and initiatives that prioritize equity and excellence in education. The priorities that resonate with her the most are those centered around equity, inclusion, the holistic approach, and community/family engagement. 

Looking ahead, Letisha’s long-term vision for the education landscape is characterized by equity and inclusion, ensuring that all students have access to high-quality education through equitable resource allocation and culturally responsive teaching practices. This prioritizes academic excellence, fostering a culture of rigor and providing a challenging curriculum alongside opportunities for students to excel. Additionally, it promotes holistic development by addressing students' social, emotional, and physical well-being through comprehensive support systems. Embracing innovation and adaptability, it incorporates new technologies and pedagogical approaches to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Collaboration and partnerships among schools, families, and communities are fostered, promoting collective efforts to maximize student success. Accountability and transparency are key, with schools regularly assessing student learning outcomes and performance. 

Letisha envisions an excellent education landscape that ensures equitable access to educational opportunities for all students, regardless of socioeconomic status or background. Thus, Letisha lays the foundation for lifelong learning, success, and fulfillment. We thank you for all of your hard work and dedication so far and look forward to our continued efforts for our students in the future! 


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