Giles’ Testimony on B25-342, PR 25-300

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Hearing:

B25-342, “Public Charter School Board Term Clarification Amendment Act of 2023”
PR 25-300, “Public Charter School Board Carisa Stanley Beatty Confirmation Resolution of 2023”

Jessica Giles
Executive Director
Education Reform Now DC

Good afternoon, Chairman Mendelson, members, and staff of the Committee of the Whole, my name is Jessica Giles. I am a ward seven resident and the Executive Director of Education Reform Now DC, a non-partisan, non-profit organization fighting for a just and equitable public education system for all DC students. I am pleased to provide testimony on B25-342, the “Public Charter School Board Term Clarification Amendment Act of 2023,” and PR25-300, the “Public Charter School Board Carisa Stanley Beatty Confirmation Resolution of 2023.”

B25-342, “Public Charter School Board Term Clarification Amendment Act of 2023”

As currently interpreted by law, newly-appointed DC Public Charter School Board (“Board”) members who are serving a partial term due to seat replacement may only have a short initial term of service, depending on the timing of this appointment. B25-342 offers a technical clarification of the term limits for Board members so that the newly appointed members replacing a former member can also serve up to two four-year terms.

We are supportive of this clarification. The Board plays a critical role in our public education ecosystem. They are the sole authorizer of 136 public charter schools run by 69 local education agencies serving 46,392 students, and they provide an essential oversight function. Because the Board consists of seven volunteer members, it is crucial that there are no vacancies and that there is as much continuity in service as possible. This is in the best interest of our students.

PR25-300, “Public Charter School Board Carisa Stanley Beatty Confirmation Resolution of 2023”

Ms. Carisa Stanley Beatty’s personal and professional experiences and unwavering commitment to our students and families make her an excellent addition to the board. Ms. Stanley Beatty is a parent, a Native Washingtonian, and a ward five resident. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in banking and finance and a B.S. in Business Administration, enabling her to provide a valuable lens in the Board’s oversight role to help ensure public charter schools fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities to their students.

Most importantly, Ms. Stanley Beatty has a heart for service. During her professional career, Ms. Stanley Beatty created DC Open Doors, a program that offers qualified homebuyers home purchase loans, and down payment. This program has helped many individuals and families live in safe, affordable homes in the District of Columbia. Further, Ms. Stanley Beatty has been an essential leader in her community. She has served as the President of the Washington, DC Chapter of the African American Real Estate Professionals and as a Mayoral appointee to the Washington DC Historic Preservation Review Board.

Thank you for allowing me to testify on B25-342 and PR25-300. I am available for any questions you may have.


Giles’ Testimony on B25-540


Postsecondary Report ERN DC