Civic Leader Andre Aina Advocates for FY2025 Investment in Math

Andre Aina
CEO, Third Eye Education Analytics
Budget Oversight Hearing

DC Council’s Committee of the Whole Budget Oversight Hearing: Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and DC Public Schools 

Honorable Chairman Mendelson, esteemed members of the Committee of the Whole, and dedicated staff, I’m Andre Aina, CEO of Third Eye Education Analytics. In collaboration with Education Reform Now Advocacy DC (ERNA DC), I’m here today to speak to you about our commitment to improving student achievement in math education. Third Eye Education Analytics remains committed to empowering educators and children with data-driven insights, fostering a future where every kid in D.C. thrives academically.

I return before you to emphasize the importance of improving math instruction in the District. My first testimony at the performance oversight hearing on these agencies articulated a vision; today, I give a call to action backed by tangible solutions for a funding framework. 

In school year 2022-23, 78% of DC students who took the Math PARCC assessment were not on or above grade level, which is a 2.6 percentage point increase from the school year 2021-2022.1 Data reveals a stark disparity in math proficiency rates across wards, with underfunded areas demonstrating the most significant gaps. 

In OSSE’s strategic plan,2 the agency cites the need to improve progress in math for student groups with the greatest needs. However, in the Mayor’s proposed FY2025 budget, there is no funding for a statewide strategy to support students and their families who struggle with math. 

Investing in the Future: A Comprehensive Strategy

Our proposal for a statewide math strategy is not merely an educational reform; it’s an investment in our community’s future. Funding is needed for the following:

  • A Math Task Force: Spearheading systemic reform requires collaborative expertise. Funding a task force ensures a coalition of voices, including those from underserved communities, shaping a math education that reflects the diversity and needs of our students.

  • Curriculum (Development) Enhancement and Coaching: Modernizing our approach to math education necessitates resources for developing curriculum on a school-by-school basis. Ensure there is a math coach for every elementary school by increasing the availability of coaches trained in evidence-based practices.

  • Support for Families and RTI Frameworks: To build a supportive ecosystem around each student, we should engage families in the educational process and implement Response to Intervention (RTI) models; this requires resources like workshops, digital tools, and targeted instructional materials.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: A data-driven approach to funding for monitoring and evaluation mechanisms is critical for transparency and continuous improvement.

Cultural Engagement

A Math Innovation and Research Task Force, which we estimate would cost $300K, would allow local and national experts, teachers, and families to engage on how math is perceived and its impact on students’ identities with it. We can identify how demographic backgrounds and attitudes shape students’ relationships with math. This approach will enable targeted strategies to nurture a positive math identity among students.

The Economic and Social Imperative

Investing in math education transcends academic achievement; it’s about economic resilience and social equity. Enhanced funding for math education promises a future where every student can pursue careers in STEM fields, contributing to a robust, innovative economy. By addressing the achievement gap, we lay the groundwork for a more equitable society.

A Call to Action: Seize the Moment for Transformational Change

The urgency to act has never been greater. With the DC Council’s support, we can initiate a transformative journey towards a future where math education is a beacon of excellence, equity, and empowerment. The proposed budget allocations are not merely expenditures; they are investments in the potential of our students and, by extension, the prosperity of our community.


In closing, we request $300,000 to establish a Math Innovation and Research Task Force. Thank you once again for the privilege of addressing this esteemed body. Together, we have the power to enact meaningful change. I look forward to partnering with the Council, the OSSE, and our community to turn our shared vision into a reality.


1 OSSE 2022-23 PARCC Assessment Results presentation. Accessed April 3, 2024. Source:
2 OSSE Strategic Plan. Accessed April 3, 2024. Source:


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